Okay, I saw a segment on Good Things Utah (GTU) yesterday that caught my attention. They interviewed a man who hadn't eaten anything for the past 17 days except for these things called Life Caps, along with some water. He went on to explain how the Life Caps work. Apparently they are small pills that are filled with essential vitamins and nutrients that are absorbed directly into the blood stream and will curb your appetite within 20 minutes.
At first I didn't think much of them, because obviously for a girl who loves her food, these aren't too appealing. And I'm definitely not gonna try to promote them because I haven't done any research into them or tried them out for myself, but I found the concept to be very interesting. They are not marketed as diet pills, but as an alternative to food storage and are to be used in emergency situations. They say to keep a bottle of these pills in your car or in your 72-hour kits with some water and you're good to go for a few weeks. To me they kind of seem like a good back up for when and if you ever run out of food. And I think if I ever ran out of food, I'd definitely give them a shot! The guy also suggested keeping a bottle in your car so that if you're ever in a situation where you are stranded and are starving, you can just eat a pill and some water and not feel the pangs of hunger. Go here to watch the GTU segment or to read about them on the homepage. Then come back and let me know what you all think. I wonder how truly safe they are...
How funny, Chadd and I were just talking about this segment and how I was kind of bugged by it. Anyway, I think it is a good idea, however, it is scary to think of how many people will use it purely for weight loss. Did you hear how quickly they sold out? I wonder how many will buy it to use in their food storage/for emergencies. It really has the potential to save lives (when used appropriately) and a dollar a pill is really affordable.
I'm with you, I enjoy the whole experience of eating. I'd never buy something like this to live on but I think it's a GREAT idea for food storage...and really, if I'm in that dire need of sustenance I don't think I'll be too concerned about how good it really is for me. Thanks for sharing.
I agree with Cassi - I am worried how many people will use it fo purposes for which they were not intended. Or they could have just sold out quickly cause he mentioned the words 'food storage' in Utah ;) Interesting though. I would think your body would still need caloried to survive and for muscle and brain function...hmmm/ Maybe call Get Gephart or whatever his name is :)
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