A lot of people don't know that the Dreyer's Slow Churned varieties contain 1/2 the fat of normal ice cream. Normally this would turn me away from ice cream because I eat it to enjoy it and I'm not gonna settle for gross ice cream to save a few calories. But, honestly, this tastes just like regular ice cream. It is so creamy and delicious! For an explanation about how Dreyer's accomplishes this, look to the Wiki (last paragraph). It's very interesting. Wiki also explains why it's called Dreyer's in some parts of the country and Edy's in others...a question that has baffled me for years.
For all the other coupon-lovers out there, I've decided to give away some of the coupons that Dreyer's sent me so you can try some for yourself. The winner will receive 2 $1 off coupons for Slow Churned ice cream and 3 $.75 off coupons for Slow Churned ice cream bars. For some reason paying $1.50 or $2 for a carton of ice cream instead of $2.50 or $3 (you can almost always find it on sale for $3 and once in a while for $2.50) seems a lot easier to pocket. It does to me anyway. So just leave a comment. That's all. This giveaway will close on Thursday, September 4, at midnight. Good luck!
I'm always up for coupons!! Especially for this yummy ice cream.
Oh I want these coupons! I am usually not a huge ice cream fan but for some reason I love the Dryers Cookies and Dreamz. Plus it is 'healthier' than normally right so I can eat more? jk. Coupons would help me save on this new addiction though and I am glad your party went well.
Pick me!!
Carlee, I need that cookie dough ice cream.
is the one split wonder the one that is yellow cake and frosting..because if so..sadly i like it...but the cheesecake one sound divine
Since I missed the party :( I feel I should win, but by all means, make it fair!
I love ice cream so much! I totally have to win this one. I'm dying to try cheesecake diva and peach yogurt!
Looks like a lot of people want this badly! Add one more to the list. My family LOVES ice cream!
Thanks :)
yum, my fav!
We love ice cream! I hope we win! Thanks!
Ice Cream, Ice Cream, We all Scream for Ice Cream! (well everyone cept my hips!)
Do they make Birthday Cake for sale in the stores? I had that the other day at an ice cream stand and thought my head would explode - it was that good. Coupons would help :)
I was wondering if you were going to have extras and what you were going to do with them. I would love some more. You are so right that Dreyer's is always on sale somewhere. Super fantastic. Oh and I'm glad I didn't try the one split wonder, and the whole cake ice cream I decided their out there flavors probably weren't that great.
Oh and Neil loved the Cookies and Cream bar too.
Thanks again.
Yum! I could use some icecream!
A blog away that involves both ice cream AND coupons? Yeah, this give away is so for me. Hopefully the random gods of ice cream kindness will send some luck my way!
Who doesn't love ice cream coupons? Thank you for offering this giveaway! My email is: fwuffles@jaided.com
mmmmmm... ice cream!
homemakerhero at gmail dot com
Cookie Dough is my favorite as well! Yum. Thanks for the chance to win!
We buy this icecream all the time. I'd love to save some money on it!
Yummy. I would love to win some coupons for ice cream. thanks katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.
Yummmmmmmy! Cookie Dough (hands down) is the #1 favorite in my household! Thanks ♥
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