Thursday, November 20, 2008

Stephen's Peanut Butter Cup Hot Cocoa

So it appears Stephen's now makes a Peanut Butter Cup hot cocoa. I need to try this. Like, immediately.


Becky said...

Ooh!! Yum! Bring me some :)

Chelsie said...

oh my heck what?! my heart actually stopped momentarily when i read this. if you find it please tell me where!! when i lived in logan and had hot chocolate at least twice a day (yet another reason for gaining 15 pounds that year) i would put a little peanut butter cup at the bottom of my cup and pour the hot chocolate over it...oh this is going to be good

Megan said...

Mmmm. That looks delish! Count me in. The peanut butter thing was not okay when I was prego with Anna (Ross thought that was the most hilarious thing ever, seeing as how I like the stuff so much) but not this time around. Thank heavens!

Jason said...

I'm a Stephens Cocoa ADDICT! I have tried this kind, and I can tell you that the Peanut Butter Cup is my favorite, so far. You can order it off their website or on